Domain Name Marketplace
If you have domain names for sale and want to have us ‘stage’ your domains, or develop your domain names so you can get top dollar for them please contact us. Dnamez is a great domain name marketplace to sell your domain names on.
Our domain name brokers work with you to make sure you get the best deal possible. We also understand that it costs lots of money to maintain large portfolios of domains, so we have bulk listing plans, development plans, and commission structures based on our performance and the value we bring to the table.
We work hard for our clients and form long term relationships with them. The majority of clients we serve now come directly from referrals to their friends and family! It is an honor to earn this trust with those we serve.
Domain Marketplace
We help businesses and entrepreneurs buy domains from our Domain Name Marketplace, as well as other top domain marketplaces. We research and find domains and negotiate a price with the seller on your behalf, whether the domain name is listed in our marketplace or somewhere else.
If you decide to develop your domain name and then list the developed website for sale we can help you as well. Our domain name development company can help you build-out 1 site, or hundreds of sites. Many clients then choose to have us monetize their websites and create them cash flow; keep some, list some. But selling a developed domain name already ranked and monetized can be easier then just selling the domain itself.
If you are looking to sell domain names or want help buying a great domain name send us an email or call us. Dnamez is the Domain Name Marketplace.
Exact Match Domain Names
Exact Match Domains
What is an exact match domain name?
Exact match domain names are domains that contain the exact words of a location, food, business name, industry or anything else that a web surfer might be searching for when looking for a product, service, place, or person on the search engines. Exact match domain names also help in those instances where searches conduct direct type-in searches.
Why use exact match domains as part of your online strategy?
Building a website on an exact match domain is a powerful way to advance search engine rankings for the keywords contained in the domain name; even though many think that these keyword rich domain names no longer play a part in search engine rankings, our experience has proved otherwise!
When we build online businesses for our own use, or for clients we serve we always build an army of websites each serving a specific purpose. Besides development a primary website for the business we always buy up to a dozen keyword rich domain names and try to acquire the exact match domain name matching the category of the product or service supplied.
We have done this hundreds of times for clients and always this strategy has helped increase their overall traffic results, inbound leads, and ultimately the amount of money they made online.
Benefits of Exact Match Domains
Exact Match Domain Names will help you rank better in the search engines; especially for long tail keyword domain names matching the service, product, location, or other key points of your business. Most great exact match domain names have ben scooped up by businesses in the know, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find some great exact match domain names on domain name marketplaces like or other domain sites.
Besides the pro’s of owning exact match domains for ranking purposes there is still value in them because they’re easy to spell, easy to remember, and easy to pronounce. These are some of the things to look for when creating an online business with hopes to building the next great brand!
Right now at we are working hard to get the 1000+ domain names we own listed on our site, and hundreds of other domain names that other domainers and domain flippers have decided to use our domain name marketplace to list their domain names as well.
Hundreds of these domain names are exact match domain names. We hope you find a great domain name listed in our domain marketplace and develop an awesome online business with it!